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Mattern Wealth Management

Planning With You, Not for You

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A warm, inviting coffeeshop bar.

Reach an Empowered Level

of Financial Freedom

Mattern Wealth Management is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor providing tailored investment management, family wealth consulting and client-focused services:

  • Financial Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • Trust and Estate Planning
  • Risk Management

Our Approach Begins With You…

The experience of our team has shown us that people are often forced to choose between forward-thinking wealth management and attentive, personal service. With this trade-off in mind, Mattern Wealth was founded to provide hardworking individuals with both — because you shouldn't have to compromise. 

We aim to combine wealth enhancement, protection and transfer to provide a personalized experience for our clients. And, in working hard to provide a sense of security and freedom by planning with you, we also believe in: 

Fiduciary Management

Our fiduciary duty is to act in your best interest - a responsibility we take to heart in everything we do.

A Fee-Only Experience

Because we aren’t swayed by commissions or bound to offering certain products, we base our advice solely on you and your needs.

Complex Relationships

While there is no minimum on the account sizes we work with, we prefer complexity and depth within your financial situation.

A warm, inviting coffeeshop bar.

By Planning With You, Not for You,

We Seek To Enhance Your Sense of Financial Freedom

By using the many tools at our disposal to help mitigate risk and taxes while accumulating wealth, we work to develop solutions that will best benefit you.

Discover What We Do